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10 Euro donated to the Blender Foundation

The Blender Foundation is the force behind the popular open source 3D graphics software Blender. It is one of the few open-source applications that can compete with its commercial equivalents. Though according to Wikipedia it is still mostly used by hobbyists rather than amateur or professional users.

Paypal history screenshot of my donation to the Blender Foundation
Donation to the blender foundation Paypal screenshot
Why I Donated?
I don't use Blender myself but I really want the project to grow for other people to enjoy it. Blender is one of those flagship open source projects that really make a difference. Artists can use it instead of pirating commercial software or paying massive amounts of money for Maya or 3D Max.

Benefits For Donating
No real perks here but it feels good when you donate to a valuable project :)

What Will My Donation Change? 
Revenues from their e-shop and donations will be used to pay 4 developers to work full time on Blender. They use some extra funds to organize events and keep their website up and running.

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